
Cancel Policy

Cancellation Information

A customer may terminate their account at any time by providing notification to Online Computer Guy of their intent to terminate via the following procedures:

-via e-mail to: cancel@comp-guy.com
-via U.S. Postal Service to:
Online Computer Guy
Attention: Customer Support/Cancellations
Post Office Box 2053
Lodi, CA 95241-2053

There are no refunds on pre-paid accounts, special offers or accounts that have not been terminated prior to the due date.

Notification of termination must include login name, password, and the effective date of termination of the account. The written notification of termination must be received by Online Computer Guy for month-to-month accounts no less than 10 business days prior to the next billing cycle to be effective on the last day of the current billing cycle. User must ask and receive their CANCEL CONFIRMATION NUMBER for the request to be effective.

Accounts that are not terminated in accordance with the above procedures shall remain active and shall continue to incur monthly service charges until properly terminated.

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